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Why Do I Need a SSL Certificate? (Explained)

An SSL certificate is necessary in order to create a secure connection between a website and a user’s web browser. This certificate provides authentication for the website and helps to ensure that data passed between the two remains private. Additionally, a SSL certificate is required in order to enable HTTPS, which is necessary for some features on a website (such as online payments).


How do SSL certificates work?

SSL certificates are used to encrypt communication between a web browser and a web server. SSL works by using a public key to encrypt data that is sent from the browser to the web server, and a private key to decrypt the data on the server. This encryption makes it difficult for hackers to intercept sensitive information such as credit card information. Without an SSL certificate, the address bar in the browser will not show the https:// prefix, and subdomains will not be supported.
SSL stands for secure socket layer.

How can I get an SSL certificate for my website?

The purpose of SSL is securing information so that it cannot be intercepted by third parties. You can get an SSL certificate for your website from a number of different hosting companies and certificate authorities. As a website owner you should ensure that your website is using an SSL certificate as without SSL you leave the door open for hackers to leak personal information about your business and your customers. SSL certificates can also affect your rankings on search engines like google. So adding an SSL to your website or ecommerce website should be a top priority.

These three hosting provides offer free SSL certificates with hosting plans:


How Do You Know if a Site Has an SSL Certificate?

You can tell if a site has an SSL certificate by looking for a padlock in your browser. If you see a padlock, that means the site’s SSL certificate is valid and your sensitive information will be safe. You can also check the site’s URL – if it starts with https://, then it has an SSL certificate.

Which Sites Should Use SSL Certificates?

SSL certificates are important for any site that wants to show visitors that their personal information is safe. Any site that asks for personal information, such as an email address or credit card number, should use SSL to protect that information. Certificate shows that the site is using SSL and that visitors’ personal information will be encrypted when it is sent to the site.

Does my website really need an SSL certificate?

It depends on what kind of website you have. If you have an ecommerce website or a website that handles sensitive information, then you will need an SSL certificate. This will ensure that all information exchanged between your website and your visitors is encrypted and secure. As we mentioned earlier it is still recommended that websites need an SSL certificate as SSL protects against attacks such as man-in-the-middle. Even the most basic information needs to be secure online as a website owner you should ensure website visitors are not at risk of data breaches.


What is a Trusted Certificate Authority?

A Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) is an organization that is responsible for issuing digital certificates. These certificates are used to verify the identity of a website or individual, and to encrypt information. A CA is considered “trusted” if it is included in the list of trusted CAs maintained by web browsers and operating systems.

What is a man-in-the-middle attack?

A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of cyberattack where the attacker inserts themselves into a communication between two parties, in order to intercept and read the data being exchanged. This can be done by compromising the security of the devices or networks being used, or by spoofing the identity of one of the parties involved. Man-in-the-middle attacks are a serious security threat, as they can allow attackers to gain access to sensitive information or disrupt communications.


What Happens If I Don’t Use a Certificate on my website?

If you don’t use a certificate on your website, this puts your business and customers at risk of having their information stolen. Without the use of SSL certificates on your website you will not be able to accept secure payments such as credit cards as they will be at risk of being compromised

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